
Sunflowers, pink spray roses, white daisies, and purple spray asters make up this bright and fun bouquet set inside a 7" clear glass vase.


A mix of pink, lavender and white flowers in a pretty blush colored 8" glass vase.


A more compact version of the classic- an 8" vase featuring 12 red roses with greens and babies breath.


A mix of lavender, blush pink and and purple blooms in a 6" colored jar. Arrangement is approx. 14" tall by 10" wide. Color of jar may vary


A dozen roses wrapped with premium greens and babies breath.  Each bouquet is hand designed by our in house florist and ready to place into your vase at home. Choose your rose color below.


Our traditional long stem red dozen roses arranged in a clear 10 inch vase with greens, babies breath, and eucalyptus.


A dozen of mixed color roses in an 8" glass vase arranged with greens and babies breath.


A dozen long stem pink roses arranged in a 10" clear glass vase with babies breath, accent flowers and eucalyptus.


A classic single red rose arranged with greens and babies breath in a clear 8" bud vase comes with a soft 6" plush teddy bear holding a heart.


A mix of 10 assorted Gerbera Daisies arranged in a colored 9.5" glass vase with accent flowers.   


12 long stem roses in a mix of colors arranged in a 10" clear glass vase with babies breath, accent flowers and eucalyptus.


A total of 24 long stem roses (12 white and 12 red) arranged in a clear glass vase with greens, filler and eucalyptus.


A bright tropical houseplant in a ceramic pot with hearts. Plant and pot colors may vary (pink/ red/ white)


A dozen long-stem lavender roses with greenery and accent flowers arranged in a clear 10" vase.


A dozen of red roses and five sunflowers with bright filler flowers and greens arranged in a clear glass vase. As shown version is in a clear 10" glass vase and is approx. 26" tall...


Orange, hot pink and purple flowers arranged in a 4" cube vase with a heart pick.


A dozen white roses with pink waxflower and premium greens in a red glass, 5x5 cube vase.


A unique arrangement with pink ginger, stargazer lilies, and snap dragons as the star of the show. Set in a colored glass vase, this arrangement turns different shades of pink into a sophisticated show piece. ...

Showing 1 - 18 of 24 result

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